ZEM classroom

On Wednesday morning, the Rick Marcotte Central School celebrated the Grand Opening of the Zero Energy Modular classrooms with a ribbon cutting and tours of the new space.

Principal Lissa McDonald and the RMCS PTO organized the opening complete with a balloon arch and red carpet for the students to walk on. Some students even talked to reporters about the classrooms!

Part of the FY24 Capital Improvement Bond, the ZEMs began construction in June 2023 as an effort to alleviate overcrowding due to enrollment. With this additional space, the 5th-grade class now has larger classrooms and dedicated project rooms. 

Full news coverage here:

Classroom pod opens at South Burlington School-WCAX

ZEM Pod classrooms open in South Burlington to expand school capacity-WCAX

South Burlington School District unveils "zero energy" modular classrooms-MyNBC5

Rick Marcotte Central School fifth graders attend first day in ZEM classrooms-MyChamplainValley