

SBSD Special Education Records Destruction

ATTN: South Burlington High School Graduates who received

Special Education Services and graduated June 2019.

          The Vermont Department of Education’s State Board of

Education Manual of Rights and Practices, Section 2365.2.13(a)

          Destruction of Information, states:

“For purposes of an audit, when a participating agency has counted a

      child to justify receipt of IDEA funds, the district shall retain copies 

      of the child’s IEP and Special Education eligibility evaluations, for a

      minimum of FIVE YEARS from the time the student reaches the age

      of 22, graduates, transfers or withdraws from the school district or 

      the last date of services, whichever is sooner.”

If you were a graduate of the South Burlington High School, received

      Special Education Services, and graduated  June 2019,  you are entitled

      to copies of your records. These students have reached the age of 

      majority; therefore, only the student may request their records.

      The South Burlington School District will be destroying copies of these

      Special Education Documents on:  JULY 1, 2024

      If you would like your student records, please contact Amanda 

     Gasparini, of Student Support Systems, at 652-7253 or email 


We must receive your request prior to JUNE 28, 2024.