Students, Newcaster, Art Teacher showing off Ornaments

GCS Represents Vermont at The White House!

This year, our school was selected to create the ornaments for the Vermont tree for the National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony on the White House lawn in Washington, D.C. Our art teacher, Mrs. Goodrich, worked with 21 students in grades 1-5 to create drawings that they felt represented the beauty and spirit of our state. Students thought about what makes VT special and chose a way to represent it - with maple trees, snow, Champ, green mountains and some of our the flora and fauna that represent VT: the state fish, the brook trout; the state tree, the maple tree; the state flower, the red clover and the state bird, the hermit thrush. Copies of the ornament drawings are on display in our hallway for everyone to enjoy, and students were recognized at our Buzz Assembly this week. Tickets to the event were offered through a lottery, and two of our 5th grade families were able to attend, along with Mrs. Goodrich. On Wednesday, Jack Thurston from MyNBC5 came to the school to interview Mrs. Goodrich and two of the artists. Here's what Mrs. Goodrich submitted along with our ornaments. The ornaments will then go to the National Archive in Washington D.C. What an honor to be chosen to represent the state of VT!

In this video, you can see the VT tree at minute 1:03 and minute 1:40.

"After a devastating flood of 1928, President Calvin Coolidge gave a speech in Bennington, naming Vermont, “a brave little state”. President Coolidge praised the strength and heartiness of the Vermont people. This still holds true today. Our ornaments capture not only the natural beauty of our great state, such as the green mountains, but also the resilience and spirit of our people. Our environment is such an important part of Vermont lives and these ornaments highlight that."